Tn;a Ndú;d lrkafka wekafv%dhsâ ÿrl:khlao@tfykka m%fõYï fjkak'

ihsn¾ m%ydrlhkag cx.u ÿrl;h ;=< we;s o;a; uq¿ukskau fidrd .; yels ffjrihla wekaâfrdhsâ cx.u ÿrl:k ñ<shk .Kkl wvx.= uDÿldx.hla ;=<ska yuqù we;'

weußldfõ laj,afldï ^Qualcomm& iud.u úiska ksIamdÈ; bf,lafg%dksla zÑmaz ms<sn|j mÍlaIK meje;ajQ zfplafmdhskaÜ ßi¾p¾iaz kï wdh;kh úiska ta nj fidhdf.k ;sfí'
laj,afldï ^Qualcomm& uDÿldx.h wekaâfrdhsâ cx.u ÿrl:k ñ<shk 900 l muK Ndú;d lr we;s njhs tu iud.u mjikafka'
tfiajqjo oekg isÿù we;s m%ydr zihsn¾ fydrekaz úiska isÿl< njg idla‍Is yuqù ke;'
zfplafmdhskaÜ ßi¾p¾iaz iud.fï cx.u WmlrK l<ukdlrK wxYfha m%OdkS uhsl,a fY!f,dõ mejiqfõ oekg mj;sk wjodkï ;;ajh bÈß udi lsysmh ;=< oelsh yelsjkq we;s njhs'
wk;=rg ,laj we;af;a my; oelafjk ÿrl:k j¾.hka fõ
BlackBerry Priv
Blackphone 1 and Blackphone 2
Google Nexus 5X" Nexus 6 and Nexus 6P
HTC One" HTC M9 and HTC 10
LG G4" LG G5" and LG V10
New Moto X by Motorola
OnePlus One" OnePlus 2 and OnePlus 3
US versions of the Samsung Galaxy S7 and Samsung S7 Edge
Sony Xperia Z Ultra

cx.u ÿrl;kfha z.%e*slaiaz md,kh flfrk uDÿldx.h iy ikaksfõokh i|yd fhdod.kakd fla; md,kh i|yd fjk;a l%ufõohla we;=,a fldg ;sîu fufia y÷kdf.k we;s wjodku njhs uhsl,a fY!f,dõ mejiqfõ'
fuu ffjrih u.ska ÿrl:kh l%ul%ufhka ;udf.a md,khg k;=lr .ekSug m%ydrlhdg yelshdj ,efnk w;r o;a; ish,a, lshùfï yelshdjo ,efí'
zfplafmdhskaÜ ßi¾p¾iaz úiska fuu ffjrih fyda fjk;a ffjri we;=,aù we;soehs mÍlaId lsÍu i|yd QuadRooter Scanner kñka zwemaz tlla k¾udKh lr we;s w;r uqo,a f.ùulska f;drj th Ndú;d l< yels njhs uhsl,a fY!f,dõ mjikafka'
fuhg wu;rj uhsl,a fY!f,dõ b,a,d isáfha ks, zGoogle Play storez fj;ska muKla zwemaz nd.; lr.kakd f,ihs'
tfiau ;ud cx.u ÿrl:kh ñ,§ .;a wdh;khg f.dia jro ilid .ekSu i|yd wjYH zmep¾iaz ^patches& ,ndfok f,i b,a,d isáh hq;= njo Tyq m%ldY lf<ah'

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